Counseling Services

Individual and Couples Counseling

janI work with individuals and couples of all life choices.

The goal of individual therapy, in simplest terms, is to help you become more yourself by helping you live in a more conscious manner and honor your feelings, experience, and needs. Individual work is best done in person but, under certain circumstances, therapy can be done through telephone sessions, as well. Couples work needs to be done in-person in the office.

Sessions are usually fifty minutes once a week, although sometimes longer or more frequent sessions can be scheduled if a client has a limited amount of time or lives at a distance. An extreme example of this is a client who came from France for six weeks of intensive work. She scheduled three two-hour sessions a week during the period. For practical reasons, if a client lives out of state or at a distance, a two-hour session every other week cuts the number of trips in a month. Also, a monthly two-hour office session is a good supplement to telephone sessions. Scheduling is flexible and I will do my best to work with your needs.

I am trained and experienced in working with:
Loss and grief
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Dissociative Disorder and Dissociative Identity Disorder
Panic disorder
Other areas are:
Recovery issues (see below)
Crisis Intervention

I also can offer alternative tools in addition to talk therapy: Thought Field Therapy, breath and bodywork, imagery, visualization, meditation, Reiki, and expressive therapies such as art, sound and movement are some of the modalities available. Going beyond the conscious mind, can help you listen to the small silent voice voice within and reconnect with your true nature. However there’s no pressure to use these supplemental tools.

Relapse prevention and Counseling for people in Recovery
I am a Connecticut licensed substance abuse counselor. I offer knowledgeable recovery-based counseling for people in all kinds of recovery. From 1987 to 1992, I worked as a family counselor and a substance abuse counselor at Eagle Hill in Sandy Hook, CT, a residential treatment program, and later became the director of an intensive out-patient program at the Meridian Center in Stamford, Connecticut.

Substance Abuse
Debting and other Money Issues
Eating Disorders
Sexual Addiction